“There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ. We were all baptized by one Holy Spirit. And so we are formed into one body.”
– 1 Corinthians 12:12-13
Just as the body has many parts, society also has many segments. All of these are important to the Metropolis of Chicago, which aims to bring meaning, purpose, and belonging to all sectors of society. This is achieved through our engagement ministries that reach a wide range of people.
Historically, the Metropolis of Chicago has taken a keen interest in cultivating the faith of youth and young adults, but we also engage the elderly, families, new converts, faith seekers, and the poor and vulnerable, among others.
The Metropolis of Chicago and the Archdiocese of America maintain and support several ministries and programs that speak to the needs and concerns of our faithful and faith seekers.
Here are just a few to explore:
Infants & Youth: Altar Servers | Fanari | Sunday school | Greek school | GOYA
Young Adults: Lighthouse Camp | Young Adult League (YAL)
Adults and Seniors: Family Synaxis | Orthodox Roots | Mission Team Chicago
Poor and Vulnerable: Philoptochos | TEAM Belong | Project HOPE | Philoxenia House
Orthodox Converts: Conversations with Converts
Together with religious education, philanthropy and outreach, our engagement ministries seek to deepen the faith and enrich the spiritual lives of participants. Click HERE>> to learn more about our ministries.
Image courtesy of Frederiksen Film
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