Janice Novick is St. Sophia’s Servant Leadership Award Recipient for 2020. She has been a member of the parish for almost 25 years, where her commitment and giving of her time, talents and treasures have been steadfast. She has spent countless nights and weekends serving the youth and adults of our parish as Church School Director, which includes coordinating Nativity Programs, Vacation Church School, and Holy Friday retreats. Janice has been a youth advisor for many years, is the creator and coordinator of the annual “Trivia Night” Philoptochos fundraiser, and coordinator of the servers for our annual Greek Fest. To quote one of people who nominated Janice as servant leader “St. Sophia is very blessed to have Janice as part of its parish. She is an incredible role model to the youth of our church and works incessantly, with extreme humility, for the Glory of God.”
To view a full list of our recipients, please click here. More biographies will be released after each recipient receives their Bronze Cross from Metropolitan Nathanael through home visits.