“When a person lacks the remembrance of God, it is inevitable that he will long for glory and will seek for praise from those whom he serves…. Such a person is called an unbeliever by Christ; for He says: ‘How can you have faith when you receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God?’” – (John 5:44). Paraphrases of the Homilies of St. Makarios of Egypt by St. Symeon Metaphrastes.
Create a sacred space at home that, just like an Altar of a Church, makes the whole Church grounds holy. Your prayer corner will sanctify entire home. Place an icon on the wall and offer daily prayers before it. During the second week of Great Lent we honor the Saints of the Church and center our entire being on Christ, our true God.
This Week’s Sermonettes by Clergy
“Why is Faith Important?”
By: Rev. Fr. Dimitri Tobias – St. Basil Greek Orthodox Church (Chicago, IL)
“Importance of Faith”
By: Rev. Fr. Tilemahos Alikakos – Saint Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church (Palos Heights, IL)