Clergy-Laity Assembly – Sponsors


Developing and executing an event for our Metropolis of such significance and magnitude as the Clergy Laity Assembly takes time, creativity and resources from across the Metropolis.  We humbly ask for your support, and thank you for investing in the 2023 Assembly which will further our Metropolitan’s vision of establishing a Metropolis that offers:

  • Christ’s love unconditionally to all people; 
  • A most vibrant clergy brotherhood that inspires the multitudes to pursue ordained and lay vocations; and, 
  • A Christian community whose understanding and appreciation of the faith leads to greater engagement in the Sacramental life of the Church and in the life of society

The biannual CLA & Philoptochos Conference is a quintessential vehicle for cultivating a long-term vision for our Metropolis, and a compass that will direct our efforts toward a more vibrant future. 

All sponsorship dollars raised will go directly to enhancing the content and organization of the CLA.  For more information and to discuss sponsorship opportunities, please complete the online form below, or contact one of us directly.

Trust in God: “…God who began a good work in you will surely complete it…” (Phillipians 1:6).

In Christ,

+ Fr. Sotiri Malamis, Parish Priest, Ascension of Our Lord



+ Fr. Chris Mihalopoulos, Parish Priest, St. Nectarios

(847) 358-5170,


Sponsorship Deadline

Thank you for choosing to Sponsor the 2023 CLA. Please note that sponsorships are welcome and appreciated at any time.  If you’d like your sponsorship artwork to appear in Clergy-Laity Assembly promotional materials, please submit your information by September 25th.  Materials received after Sept. 10 may not receive all benefits as described below. 



Please send completed ads to:

Acceptable file types, pdf, jpg, png

Photos should be at least 5×7 at 300 dpi 

Recommendation: for improved legibility, please keep all text ¼” away from edges of ad 

Interested in paying by check? Download the PDF Sponsorship Form and mail with check payable to “Metropolis of Chicago”. Send to  Metropolis of Chicago, attention of Gail Holguin, 555 E. Butterfield Rd., Suite 201, Lombard, Illinois 60148.  Write “CLA” in memo.  Please note:  for tracking purposes mailed checks must be accompanied by a completed sponsorship form.