Since August, 2014, St. Elias has conducted its worship services in a temporary facility. This unfortunate loss has severely depleted our financial resources. We are currently working to determine the extent to which our insurance carrier will cover the costs associated with the roof collapse, the resulting damages, and the repairs necessary to restore our house of worship. However, it is clear that the insurance carrier will not be covering all costs. Since this damage has occurred St. Elias has had to endure costs associated with relocating to a temporary facility, hosting provisional church services and programs, preserving the church property, and making temporary repairs to save our church from further collapse and damage. We remain dedicated, and optimistically look towards the future with much hope, promise, and determination to serve our children and the entire St. Elias community.
Can you help us raise our roof?
Our hope is that we can raise $250,000 by January 1, 2018. While we are a committed parish, we are still a small parish and need your help to return our church to a strong place of prominence in our local community.
In tragedy, St. Elias has found hope. Through the efforts and generosity of the John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation of Chicago, St. Elias has been blessed with the opportunity to kick off its capital campaign to raise the funds necessary to raise our roof.
The Kulis Foundation has offered St. Elias a matching grant program. For every dollar St. Elias receives, the Kulis Foundation will match that donation with a dollar up to $250,000.
Please join our efforts and consider donating to our Help Use Raise Our Roof Capital Campaign
For more information about the church, please visit our website.