The Martha and Mary Maternity Ministry is a group of Orthodox Christians dedicated to helping pregnant women in need of support. We promote the sanctity of life by providing for the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of the mother and child; and creating a safe and nurturing environment under the sheltering veil of the Orthodox Church.
We began as a residence in the northwest suburbs of Chicago from November, 2015 until August, 2019… and since that time, we continue to provide housing referrals, material needs, and creative, personalized assistance to any pregnant mom who requests our support.
We welcome women amidst an unplanned pregnancy, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, social background or marital status.
As an Orthodox Christian ministry, we provide help in finding safe and appropriate housing, with privacy and confidentiality, for women at any stage of pregnancy and for an appropriate amount of time after childbirth. Respecting each mother’s courage in giving life to her child, we support her as she chooses the best path going forward: both for herself and her baby. We acknowledge the sanctity of life and are grateful that the expectant mom who comes to us chose life for her unborn child. Both she and her child are unique and precious, created in the image of God and loved by Him.
Saints Martha and Mary were the sisters of Saint Lazarus of Bethany, whom Jesus raised from the dead. Theirs was a house of prayer, hospitality and charity where Christ often was a guest.
We pray that we can provide similar hospitality to Him as we seek to love and serve Him in those who come to us for assistance.