2023 Annual Impact Report


— Melpomeni N. Murdakes, CPC,  Advancement Consultant In collaboration with the Metropolis Council

In 2023, the Metropolis of Chicago undertook a study to align the support of our programs, ministries, and parishes with the goals of the vision. Donors throughout the Metropolis were engaged in the study, offering direct insights to guide the development of this effort, ensuring that it serves the parishes, Metropolis, and the faithful in a trustworthy and transparent manner.

The result is the Vision for Growth. This trinity of funding sources of the inner wheel works in sync to fuel the growth and good works of our Metropolis. 


strengthens the facilities and infrastructure that house our ministries including the St. Iakovos Retreat Center and the Metropolis Center. These spaces invite our faithful to come together from across our six-state Metropolis to gather in worship, fellowship, and outreach.

In December 2023, the Metropolis released an RFP inviting parishes to propose potential partner sites for the new Metropolis Center. More than 50 individuals representing 15 parishes were invited to a presentation outlining the objective. At the time of publication of this report, proposals will be under review.


provides annual support for the advancement of the five core priorities of the Metropolis of Chicago Vision for Growth. Donations towards the Annual Vision Campaign support operations and administration as well as current and future Metropolis of Chicago programs and ministries. 

Parishes will benefit directly and indirectly from investments made through the campaign as it offers support for development, leadership, and other goals. As the fund grows and operations are covered, the Metropolis can offer increased support towards parishes to fuel growth locally. Ten percent of all funds received will go towards philanthropic initiatives including Project HOPE and the Mustard Seed Fund. 


anchors the inner wheel. Through the generosity of transformative and planned giving by our faithful, the Church will experience growth for generations to come. The foundation model is designed to generate a revenue stream from its earnings to directly impact our communities. This channel, along with our Annual Vision Campaign, will reduce our reliance on the portion of Archdiocesan assessments returned to the Metropolis, thus freeing these funds to be invested in our own parishes and programs.

In 2023, the Foundation completed its state registrations, finalized its internal corporate policies and controls, designed and implemented a new website and donor portal, prepared donor informational material, and expanded with new hires and professional contacts. Despite not having formally begun to fundraise, the Foundation has already raised $575,000 in donations and pledges.

Together, as we grow together in Christ by fulfilling our vision goals, we invite our brothers and sisters in Christ to support the Metropolis through one or all of these vital means, ensuring our vitality for years to come.




Trust in God:“…God who began a good workin you will surely complete it…”

— Philippians 1:6

Image courtesy of Fr. Michael Monos, Vladimir Ilievski & Newrome Press

“Unity in Christ cultivates relationships with family, friends, and neighbors—bearing fruit for vibrant communities and a flourishing Church” – Metropolis of Chicago Vision for Growth 

Help us accomplish our Vision and support the growth of our parishes, ministries, and philanthropic organizations. 

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