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LOMBARD, IL, January 28, 2025 – The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago announced today the results of a series of initiatives tied to His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael’s 5-year vision to revitalize parish life and grow the Church.

“Last year’s goal-setting process was a highly rewarding learning experience for all of us. I’m proud that the Metropolis Council chose to go beyond our administrative and financial responsibilities to come together, build programs, and support our parishes so they can minister, serve, and grow,” said George Lattas, First Vice Chair of the Metropolis Council.

In November 2023, Metropolitan Nathanael unveiled his 5-year vision for the Metropolis to delegates of the Clergy-Laity Assembly of the Metropolis of Chicago. In 2024, Metropolitan Nathanael and the Metropolis Council identified seven goals to begin the process of realizing the vision. All initiatives tied to the goals that began in 2024 will continue in perpetuity as Metropolis or parish programs.

“Informed and shaped by our vision, the Metropolis of Chicago established deliberately ambitious goals to address crucial parish and community needs. While there were lessons learned, we also discovered a great deal about our potential to impact our parishes and communities as the Body of Christ. We are emboldened by these experiences – even where we fell short – and look forward to continuing the work to bring change and growth to our Holy Metropolis in 2025 and beyond,” said His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael.

Currently, 2025 goals are being finalized and will be shared publicly with the Metropolis of Chicago. While 2024 was devoted to addressing all 5 core priorities – Clergy, Parishes, Philanthropy, Engagement, and Growth – 2025 goals and related initiatives will focus solely on parishes. Metropolis Council members, volunteer leaders, and staff members collaborated to develop, manage, and execute the initiatives.

The following is a summary of the 2024 Metropolis initiatives and results related to the 5-year vision:

1. Establish a clergy wellness program and enroll 10 priests by 7/31/24. Throughout the year, the team defined and created standards of clergy wellness and selected the “Thriving in Ministry Initiative” by the Lilly Endowment, Inc. as the wellness program best equipped to support Metropolis of Chicago clergy. As of year-end 2024, 12 clergy members were enrolled in the program. The team also recommended conducting an annual survey to assess clergy wellness on a go-forward basis. The program was made available to the Metropolis of Chicago and its clergy through a generous grant from the Hellenic Foundation.

2. Create a parish council training program and enroll 20 parish councils by 10/1/24. Based on its review of content collected across the Metropolis of Chicago and from other faith communities, the team recommended a syllabus for the training and education of current and prospective parish council members. At the team’s recommendation, the Metropolis of Chicago will expand the scope of this initiative in 2025 to account for several needs, including the cultivation of a deeper theological understanding among lay leaders.

3. Create a parish vibrancy assessment tool and enroll 8 vicar parishes by December 31, 2024. In order to measure and improve the quality of parish life, the team developed a definition of “parish vibrancy.” The team also consulted various experts, including the Orthodox Parish Leadership ministry and Orthodox Ministry Services, related to parish assessment strategies. The Metropolis will test the parish assessment tool within the 9 vicar parishes in 2025.

4. Distribute 2 million meals by December 31, 2024. Through the combined efforts of the Philoptochos Society of the Metropolis of Chicago and Project HOPE, more than 1,190,000 freshly prepared and shelf-stable meals were distributed to underserved and vulnerable populations throughout the Chicago area and other regions. In the coming year, both Philoptochos and Project HOPE intend to deepen their collaborations with parishes, establish distribution hubs throughout the 6 states of the Metropolis, and expand resources and capacity. Of note, Project HOPE distributed 1 million meals from January 2020 to December 2023. Through a partnership between Project HOPE and Philoptochos, 1.19 million meals were distributed in a single year.

5. Survey and present the catechism programs within the Metropolis of Chicago by December 1, 2024. The team first distributed a survey and compiled the existing catechism programs used by Metropolis parishes. The team also chose to supplement the compiled content with catechism programs and resources from other Metropolises in the GOA.

Additionally, the team identified best practices, including tools and resources, for both the education of catechumens and the training and preparation of catechists. In 2025, the Metropolis will engage in a comprehensive listening process with 15 parishes to evaluate successes, shortcomings, and areas of need to ultimately reawaken the evangelical spirit in all parishes.

6. Raise $1 million in recurring gifts by December 31, 2024. With the benefit of clarity of the 5-year vision, the team raised $1,167,405 in 2024. The milestone is a major step for the Metropolis to become directly accountable to its clergy, laypeople, and parishes for financial support instead of redistributed parish assessments. In 2025, the Metropolis plans to adjust its 2025 fundraising goal with an emphasis on recurring gifts.

7. Establish a parish debt forgiveness policy by December 31, 2024. Following Metropolitan Nathanael’s call to eliminate all Metropolis debt within 15 years, the team developed and finalized a set of criteria that will be the basis of the new policy as well as the grant application itself. In 2025, a review committee will be formed to evaluate applications and award grants. The program will be funded through the Metropolis’ Annual Vision Campaign on an ongoing basis.

For more information on the 5-year vision and the 5 core priorities, please visit:

About the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago

Tracing its roots back to the early 1920s, the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago is the bishopric of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, northern Indiana, and central Missouri, consisting of 58 parishes and two monastic communities. The Metropolis is one of nine eparchies in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and is presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael of Chicago. The general offices of the Metropolis are temporarily located in Lombard, Illinois. For more information and to get involved, visit our Metropolis website and/or sign up to receive Metropolis news. For further information, contact the Metropolis of Chicago at: or 312-736-2280.